Course curriculum

    1. Introduction

    2. Preassessment - Take this quiz as a pre-training self-assessment to test your knowledge before beginning the course.

    1. Module I: What is a concussion and how do they occur?

    2. Learning Check: answer the following questions to check your knowledge about what a concussion injury is and how they can occur.

    1. Red flags, signs and symptoms of concussion

    2. Special Considerations - Identifying Concussion in Older Adults

    3. Special Considerations - Concussion in Older Adults with Communication Difficulties or from a CALD background

    4. Special Considerations - Medications and Concussion

    5. Special Considerations - Concussion Tests in Older Adults

    6. Learning Check - Sorting Task

    1. What to do when you witness or suspect someone has had a concussion

    2. Persistent Post-Concussion Symptoms

    3. Concussion Recovery Support Team

    4. Anxiety and misconceptions about concussion

    5. Preventing Concussions in Older Adults

    6. Learning Check: test check your knowledge about responding to a potential concussion, recovery, and management.

    1. Connectivity Fact Sheets

    2. Glossary

    3. Acknowledgements

    1. Final Assessment Quiz

    2. Certificate of Completion

About this course

  • Free
  • 21 lessons
  • 0.5 hours of video content

Dr. Gill Cowen - presenter

Dr. Gill Cowen has worked in private practice as a General Practitioner and Sports Doctor in regional Western Australia. After relocating to Perth, she worked as a Sports Doctor and Medical Adviser for the Department of Veteran Affairs, until her appointment in 2021 as the Medical Officer for Western Command, Australian Federal Police. She is currently also a Senior Lecturer (teaching and research) at Curtin Medical School, Faculty of Health Sciences, Curtin University. Dr. Cowen has extensive sports medicine experience including working as Team Doctor for South Fremantle and Peel Thunder WAFCs, WA State Colts Team Doctor, ALFW Concussion Doctor and providing her services at the 2018 Commonwealth Games. Dr. Cowen has been awarded over $600,000 in funding since 2019 ($112,000 as CIA and a further $500,000 as AI) and has published on concussion related subject matter. She regularly performs Peer Reviews including recently for MJA, BMJ Open and Journal of Concussion (SAGE) and regularly provides concussion seminars to both the general public and medical community. She also co-supervises a PhD student investigating concussion and associated changes in cerebral and cardiovascular physiology, and a Masters student exploring the perceived physical and mental benefits, facilitators and barriers to engaging in exercise for police officers.

Vinicius Cavalheri - presenter

Associate Professor

A/Prof Vin Cavalheri is the Allied Health Research Director at South Metropolitan Health Service (SMHS) and the Faculty of Health Sciences at Curtin University, and an Associate Professor in the Curtin School of Allied Health at Curtin University. His main field of research is exercise training and promotion of physical activity in people with chronic lung diseases such as lung cancer and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. As Allied Health Research Director at SMHS, he provides leadership and fosters excellence in allied health research and articulates with research across the different professions and programs of research across SMHS and the Faculty of Health Sciences, Curtin University.


This course has been accredited by the Australian College of Rural & Remote Medicine as an accredited CPD activity.


This course would not be possible without the generosity of the Arcare Family Foundation.

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